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Do you know features of our Z bucket elevator?

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Modular construction, different version models and other valuable features, it is a really a suitable conveyor for vertical and horizontal conveying equipment.

The single sections of our Z bucket elevators are delivered fully preassembled. Therefore, assembly on site is reduced to a minimum, meaning that only the sections have to be connected and chain plus buckets to be inserted.

As standard, our bucket elevator is supplied as a Z, I or C-version. For special installations, the elevators are formed as a C-Z-version, an E-version, an angle Z-version or a double Z–version, referred to as the stair version. Additionally, other models can be supplied on request.

Modular Construction:
• Most gentle conveying, suitable for very fragile and sensitive productions also
• Combination of horizontal and vertical transport for gentle conveying
• Quiet running
• Easy and quick replacement in case of damaged or worn parts without having to dismount the bucket elevator
• Easy assembly and flexibility in installation
• Reliable operation
• Minimum of maintenance
• Low energy consumption
• Minimised downtime = maximised profit for the end-user

Our Z bucket elevator has the benefit of combining horizontal and vertical conveying in one machine. Adding the very gentle way of conveying, the bucket elevator is the perfect conveyor for seeds and other sensible products. By means of using different speeds, there is a wide range of different hourly capacities that can be reached.

Levelling feet ease the straightening on site. Generous maintenance doors and sight windows grant a good view and access to the inside of the machine for control and maintenance purposes.

Spilling raw material can quickly be removed out of collecting drawers mounted in the bottom horizontal sections.We can also design collecting drawers in the top horizontal sections.

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Post time: Jul-21-2022